"Hello it has been 6 years since my Son Brandon died I diy think I count make it to NOW, however I took life 1 day at a time and I was patient with Myself

Relax here comes the Sun ! 🤗

Hello Everyone I have something special for you all 😄 I want to tell you also to hold on and keep the faith.things will get better however, you have to use "Patience" 😇 for those of you who Believe, "Jesus Loves You" even though it seems as if, he has looked away for awhile he hasn't forgotten about you, all things in time, not yours and mines, "But the Lord's time"

Simply exhale and take in the View

Giving up isn't an Option

The devil wants to discourage you, don't let him

These brave Women pressed forward in Spite of

"Hi I'm going to continue this show on the next page" let's Go 🤗

These Women didn't give up or in